Engage. Inspire. Empower.

Rent a Facility

Community groups are always welcome to rent Catawba County Schools’ facilities.  Community use of school facilities for educational, recreational, civic and cultural activities are permitted as long as they do not conflict with school and district activities at the schools. Procedures and rental agreements will be found on this website.  Catawba County Schools requires the following when renting a facility;
  • A liability insurance policy with a limit for a single occurrence at a minimum of $1,000,000 is required and must be presented before an event will be scheduled.  The Certificate Holder of this policy is the Catawba County Board of Education and must be listed on the liability policy.  

  • A site supervisor is required. The cost is $25.00 per hour.

  • A custodial fee of $25 per hour will be assessed depending on the time needed to properly clean the facility after use.

  • If a kitchen is used, a child nutrition staff member must be present. The cost of this service is also $25.00 per hour. 

  • Some events may require security/law enforcement.  The cost will be the required payment from law enforcement agencies. 

  • If inclement weather occurs and school is cancelled, all events, including rentals, will be cancelled/postponed.  

  • All State and Federal Laws must be observed as well as rules and procedures of Catawba County Board of Education. 

To rent a Catawba County Schools facility, the following items must be completed and submitted to Dwayne Finger

  • Application and Contract must be completed and signed

  • Facility Use/Agreement must be completed

    Note – Category 2 are recreation departments, optimist clubs, girl scouts, boy scouts and 4H clubs.  All other outside groups are Category 3.  Local government groups are listed in Board Policy #9.230.